people are being a bit too mean about this, yeah it's scummy how they're marketing an fnf mod as an entire game, especially when it's built on an engine they didn't make, but it's not the end of the world.
i like the idea of a rhythm game clearly inspired by fnf, which takes it's own path in life, i really hope the team behind this can actually make it happen, without it just being a glorified mod lol.
I get what you mean but, on a build they forgot to remove mod support as well as Marketing it as its own thing rather than what its supposed to be, its really odd and suspicious.
i have NO idea why people are mad at this game. it's a demo, the description literally says 'proof of concept', they are probably only using an FNF engine to make it easier to know what the game could look like!! they're likely gonna make their own game engine for this game!!
Something I think people should be considering is the legality of this game. A lot of people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that this is stealing Friday Night Funkin’. However, this may conditionally be legal.
Friday Night Funkin’ and the Psych Engine fork of the game are both licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, which actually permits the sale of the game by anyone.
Of course, the game has to abide by the restrictions put in place by the Apache 2.0 license, including the game itself also requiring the same license, but just saying the game is stealing Funkin’ or something is jumping to conclusions.
the difference is that rpg maker is quite literally *made* for you to be able to sell it as a standalone game. they give you express permission to do so, in return for financial compensation.
as far as i'm aware, we did not give them any permission to scrape our engine, which itself is an extension of a game codebase that ALSO has given zero permission to be used.
it's seriously disheartening to see them riding off a open-source project made for the community, and not acknowledging it in the slightest. it's misleading and disingenuous to the players, and the original developers.
psych engine is open-source so we can encourage others to build off of it, and aid the creation of FNF mods. you have full permission to do as you please with the source code, and we trust developers to use it responsibly.
they are abusing that trust. there's nothing legally saying they can't...
...but morally? that's another story.
it's not a game, hell, it's not even a fan-game. it's a Friday Night Funkin' mod, through and through.
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nice mod
ignoring the drama, is there any old builds you can share for preservation
The Funkin' Crew Inc. Is gonna have some words to you.
people are being a bit too mean about this, yeah it's scummy how they're marketing an fnf mod as an entire game, especially when it's built on an engine they didn't make, but it's not the end of the world.
i like the idea of a rhythm game clearly inspired by fnf, which takes it's own path in life, i really hope the team behind this can actually make it happen, without it just being a glorified mod lol.
I get what you mean but, on a build they forgot to remove mod support as well as Marketing it as its own thing rather than what its supposed to be, its really odd and suspicious.
This a great fnf mod, keep going!
straight up this is an fnf mod it's literally made in psych engine go fuck yourself
Its a FNF mod not a game i get its a concpect but you shouldnt lable it as a game its just a mod made with psych engine
isnt it an fnf mod already?
i have NO idea why people are mad at this game. it's a demo, the description literally says 'proof of concept', they are probably only using an FNF engine to make it easier to know what the game could look like!! they're likely gonna make their own game engine for this game!!
nothing at all satisfies yall if this game makes you this upset
hey wait a secoond
Something I think people should be considering is the legality of this game. A lot of people seem to be jumping to the conclusion that this is stealing Friday Night Funkin’. However, this may conditionally be legal.
Friday Night Funkin’ and the Psych Engine fork of the game are both licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, which actually permits the sale of the game by anyone.
Of course, the game has to abide by the restrictions put in place by the Apache 2.0 license, including the game itself also requiring the same license, but just saying the game is stealing Funkin’ or something is jumping to conclusions.
Fuck you mean this isn't an FNF mod?
just make a fnf mod for gods sake
oh boy..... this one might be interesting to watch grow/crumble
Is there actually a virus when downloading it?
Close enough, welcome back Phantom Arcade!
why didnt you upload on gamebanana
this is just fucking psych engine dude
friday night funkin' 2
no its just a mod
friday night funkin'2DDR style rhythm game that runs on psych engine trying not to be an fnf mod™Why would you just make a fnf mod and try passing it off as its own thing 💀
What made you think it was a good idea
Welcome back enchanted portals
Echanted Portals is built from the ground up.
It's not a reskinned Cuphead mod.
the difference is that rpg maker is quite literally *made* for you to be able to sell it as a standalone game. they give you express permission to do so, in return for financial compensation.
as far as i'm aware, we did not give them any permission to scrape our engine, which itself is an extension of a game codebase that ALSO has given zero permission to be used.
it's seriously disheartening to see them riding off a open-source project made for the community, and not acknowledging it in the slightest. it's misleading and disingenuous to the players, and the original developers.
psych engine is open-source so we can encourage others to build off of it, and aid the creation of FNF mods. you have full permission to do as you please with the source code, and we trust developers to use it responsibly.
they are abusing that trust. there's nothing legally saying they can't...
...but morally? that's another story.
it's not a game, hell, it's not even a fan-game. it's a Friday Night Funkin' mod, through and through.
so why do they lie about that?
i just really don't get it.
hi river
stfu retard
dang dude, rude much?
Hello friday night funky
this is litterally psych engine